It's time to fearlessly step into your power

Our 2024 conference theme, "Fearless: Unlock Your Powerful Potential," is a declaration of empowerment! We invite you to step boldly into your power, grow your confidence, and build empowering connections. We plan to motivate you, inspire you, and equip you with the insights and skills required to courageously turn your professional aspirations into reality. Let's embark on this conference with “Fearless” curiosity, and the unwavering belief that you are all capable of “Unlocking Your Powerful Potential'!

Spark Speakers / 2024 Line-up

What are attendees saying about Spark?

What is Spark?

Spark Women’s Leadership Conference has developed into a movement of women helping women to succeed in business and in the workplace. It pulls heavily on the model of mentorship, relevant skills training and professional development, with the northern workforce in mind.  

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Who should attend?

Any women looking for support and tools to succeed in their chosen career path or entrepreneurial business, who value connection with other women and want to grow and make a difference.

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Why Spark?

There are limited opportunities like Spark in the north for women in the workforce and Spark aims to create the environment for that connection and collective growth. The north is a region filled with talent, energy, passion, and drive; the Spark Conference provides women of the north the opportunity to hone their networking skills and participate in a local opportunity for professional and personal development.

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When and Where is it?

The conference is a two-day event taking place on September 25 & 26, 2024 at the Pomeroy Hotel & Conference Centre in Fort St. John, BC.

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Angel Program

Developed to create opportunities for women where their current financial situation does not allow them the ability to register and attend professional development conferences, the Angel program has seen over 100 women attend the conference through the generosity of a sponsor.

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Conference Sponsors / Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors